Booleans upcoming events


Booleans Tasting Experience – Register below


When you are building digital experiences for your customers or employees, there are so many things to take into consideration and probably more than you initially imagined is related to Identity and Access Management. How easy can my customers create an account? How intrusive is the login experience for my employees? When will things be secure enough?

Figuring out all these things whilst also figuring out what (C)IAM suite is best for you, can be a puzzle to solve on its own. Browsing through endless documentation, having to contact a sales representative to get your answers or even needing to do your own POC before understanding if something can be done is time consuming and frustrating.

The Booleans tasting experience is meant to help you get quick and easy insights into the (C)IAM space. Each edition will have it’s own use cases, so you can attend the one that best matches your interest. In each session we will provide live demonstrations of different common (C)IAM suites in relation to the use cases. You can ask anything about your own use case specifics and consult us on our experiences with the various (C)IAM suites.

On top of this, the food and drinks are on us! Will we see you at one of our editions? It’s free! Fill out the registration form below to express your interest and we’ll contact you with the attendance information, location and time.




  1. Multi-factor authentication: how to be modern, secure and user-friendly.  
  2. Identity lifecycle management: employees in the digital from start to finish. 
  3. Attack resilience: what can you do to defend against account takeovers and bots?
  4. Advanced authorization: how do the different suites support different access controls?
  5. External identities: when and how to use derived identification, ID wallets or external identity providers.